08.18.14 — A Fish Out of Water

The Fog Warning, 1885, Winslow Homer 


Monday, August 18, 2014

Puzzle by Ian and Katie Livengood
Edited by Will Shortz

A FISH OUT OF WATER (40A. Misfit … or what you get after the sequence described by the ends of 17-, 21-, 57- and 63-Across?), e.g., BAIT, CAST, BITE and REEL, constitute the interrelated group of this nifty little Monday crossword:

OSCAR BAIT (17A. Film designed to attract Academy Awards consideration)
COLOR CAST (21A. Like most TV shows starting in the 1960s)
UNDERBITE (57A. Problem with teeth alignment)
MOVIE REEL (63A. Projection room item)

Other — ADIEU and CIAO (24D. Informal goodbye; 52D. Formal goodbye). BLACK EYE (53A. Shiner), CHECHNYA (23A. War-torn part of Russia), COACHES UP (5D. Instructs, informally), DECK CHAIR (3D. Piece of patio furniture), D STUDENTS (32d. Pupils who score in the 60s), POLICE VAN (35D. Paddy wagon), POOLE (16A. English Channel port town), STATE SEAL (37D. Louisiana’s has a nesting pelican with three chicks), TOUCAN SAM (9D. Avian Froot Loops mascot).


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Puzzle available on the internet at

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